2020-2021 Free School Education Plan ***please note this is a living document that will be updated and adjusted****feedback appreciated****email us albanyfreeschool@gmail.com

We want to utilize our flexibility and freedom to go outside the box and reimagine how The Free School can operate, meet needs and honor student voice, choice and exploration.  Whether your learner starts the year in the classroom or remote learning from home, we are committed to supporting families with dynamic online tools to match our in person curriculum.

This online exploration platform that will serve as the foundation of inquiry based learning in the classroom and at home. We’re excited to provide you and your children 24/7 access to Discovery Education tools along with a suite of other tools including Minecraft Education, Explode the Code Online, and more. It is our hope that tools such as these will create continuity and connectivity among all our learners and allow our curriculum to be flexible/agile should we face another building closure. 

Your Choices:

  • In Person Learning Model- 4 days a week full time (day off will be Wednesdays or Fridays TBD) All learners will spend as much time outside as possible by utilizing our backyard and garden areas as outdoor classrooms. We will also utilize all outdoor space within walking distance of The Free School. In person learners will have access to all online platforms. We have chosen platforms and are building creative project based curriculum that can move between in person and distance learning easily.

  • Hybrid Model - In person 3 days a week or less. Days must be chosen ahead of the school year starting and we may face scheduling restraints based on enrollment. Once you have chosen your days they cannot be changed before Thanksgiving break. Learners will participate in our in person learning model on the days they attend and online platforms the days they do not.

  • Full Distance Model - Learners will participate with their cohort 1-2 times a week and more as projects are planned. Learners, with parents, facilitators and a member of our Education Committee will develop a plan with the year broken into 3 sections. We will connect in person learners and distance learners as often as possible. Depending on the learners age this can be morning meetings weekly, show and shares or collaborative projects for older learners.

Our Cohorts:

Learners will be spending their days with their cohort. They will learn, play, eat and grow together. Each cohort has a separate entrance and bathroom. Each group has access to 2 hand washing sinks.

  • Prek - 2nd - 1 full time teacher, 1 cohort assistant and a reading specialist

  • 3rd - 5th -1 full time teacher, 1 cohort assistant and a reading specialist

  • 6th-8th - 1 full time teacher, 1 workshop leader and a reading specialist

    (Please note that our in person enrollment may necessitate a slight shift in the cohorts, combining a wider range of angles into two cohorts.) For example:

  • Prek-5th - 2 full time teachers one cohort assistant and a reading specialist

  • 6th-8th - 1 full time teacher, 1 workshop leader and a reading specialist

Curriculum Areas:

  • ELA differentiated by group

    • Prek-2nd

      • Explode the Code for in person and online learning to build the essential literacy skills needed for reading success: letter recognition, phonological awareness, decoding, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and spelling.

      • Hands on game and story based designed for learners to developed a love storytelling PLAY PLAY PLAY WRITE WRITE WRITE

      • Safe use of maniputives whenever possible
        (we are excited about using outside resources to punch up the creativiy)

      • Reading to each other teacher to learner and learner as often as possible

      • Fine motor skill development

    • 3rd - 5th

      • Explode The Code for in person and online learning to build essential literacy skills needed for reading success: phonological awareness, decoding, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency and spelling

      • Hands on game and story based designed for learners to love story telling PLAY PLAY PLAY WRITE WRITE WRITE

      • Safe use of manipulative whenever possible

      • Strengthen comprehension and writing skills

    • 6th - 8th

      • Explode The Code for in person and online learning to build essential literacy skills needed for reading success: phonological awareness, decoding, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency and spelling. (This is geared towards learners who are slightly younger and will be used by this group to build skills and confindence)

      • Deep focus on writing using a variety and methods and tools. Students will work on a writing portfolio throughout the year that will be used to assess progress and encourage growth

      • Expanding vocabulary and critical thinking through use of interesting text with a focus on social justice and learners’ interests

  • Social and emotional learning

    • Without the pressure of teaching to a test we are uniquely positioned meet learners where they are at and not have to rush them through emotions to get on to the next thing.

    • Incorporate check ins specifically related to how much our world has changed so quickly and the Black Lives Matter Movement during our morning meetings and pre planned workshop cycles Our work shop cycles with include experts in these fields to increase learning and affectedness and care around these issues.

    • Implementation of self care activities daily such as breath work, yoga and guided movement

    • We will approach learners using a trauma informed model in all interactions. Kindness and patience are more important now than ever

    • Proactively, honestly and age appropriately address and discuss current events and the feelings and ideas learners are having around these.

    • Online Resources

  • Science and steam overview

    • Discovery Education will provide a template for material covered in an inquiry project based model. Facilitators will build ovut trimester long learning plans taking into account student and facilitator interest. There will be congruency between in person and distance learners according to cohort.

    • Inquiry project based activities short and long term TBD

    • Spring Science Fair

  • Geography and history overview

    • Cooking Class Global Feast: 44 Recipes that celebrate the world’s cultures - Use this text to move around the world and explore the power of food and the connections made throughout history. We will use the power of food to develop differentiated curriculum that will cover topics including but not limited too….

      • What cultures share food and why?

      • How has food and travel effected the history of nations?

      • Same ingredients from different places?

      • How has the the African Diaspora affected cooking worldwide?

      • The origins of different foods?

      • So much more

    • Social Movements Present and Past

      • Starting with Black Lives Matter and working backwards through history

      • Readings, podcasts, reflections and reimagining

    • Online resources used to build units

  • math skills and connection overview

    • Age appropriate introduction and review of concepts and skills

    • Use of hands-on manipulatives whenever possible

    • Possible partnership with Eureka Math for distance learning that can also be used in the classroom

    • Khan Academy for in person and distance support

  • Additional Highlights

  • outdoors classrooms in progress

  • Utilizing our neighborhood to increase ENGAGEMENT and learning

  • learning plans PERSONALIZED including imput from learners and their familes

  • FLEXIBILITY to adapt with changing mandates

  • Structure with freedom and choice

  • safety without fear

Google Classroom

We are using Google Classroom as our main portal for families. Every learner will have a unique email to access all online material and the other platforms being used.


Discovery Education

Combines dynamic curated curriculum resources with grab and go instructional strategies, personalized for our school and learners. This ever growing collection of real world content brings excitement and relevancy to the topics being explored, so all learners have opportunities to unlock their true potential.


Explode The Code

Supports learners to build the essential literacy skills needed for reading success: phonological awareness, decoding, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and spelling.


Minecraft for Education

This platform contains lessons and projects that cross curriculums and can help a reluctant distant learner who loves Minecraft to participate with more excitement and consistency.





Founded in 1969, The Free School in Albany, New York is the longest running inner-city independent alternative school in the United States.  We provide a unique alternative to traditional models of education by offering children a self-directed approach to their learning. Students at our school, many whom have slipped through the cracks of today’s regimented test-driven school system, flourish in a nurturing environment that allows them the freedom to chart their own course of learning while fostering emotional growth and inter-personal skills.

At The Free School, students not only learn the traditional academic subjects, but also valuable lessons about responsibility, problem solving, social justice and most importantly, how to relate to each other.  We have always placed great emphasis on student’s emotional well being, fostering loving, caring relationships and developing a community of engaged learners.   It is our focus on community building that encourages students to follow their dreams, contribute positively to society, and become voices for change. 


  • There’s space and time for emotions.

  • Love, empathy, and a passion for life are encouraged.

  • Each learner is treated uniquely, with individual learning styles.

  • Teachers aid learning by supporting inquiry, critical thinking and creativity.

  • Play fosters belonging, cooperation and makes kids happy.

  • The world around us is the greatest teacher of all.

  • Learning happens in a stimulating, inviting, and nurturing environment.

  • Students feel “I can make a difference in my community.”

  • Where smaller class sizes mean better interpersonal relationships.

  • Students and teachers break bread together.

The Free School is a unique and important model of true community based education.

We are a school that believes that kids should be kids.  We do not give standardized tests and homework.  At The Free School kids to learn through play, exploration and our approach fosters creative-minded thinkers

An incubator for innovative schools and child-centered educational practices.  Over the past decade The Free School has directly inspired and helped to start more than a dozen schools and alternative learning spaces across the country and around the world.

The Free School is a progressive model of education that is responsive to a world that is full of learning experiences and styles.

We are part of a long tradition of freedom schools, democratic free schools and anarchist modern schools that aim to put control of education back in the hands of communities instead of the state. There are many school like ours across the country and around the world: Brooklyn Free School, Espacio A, Chicago Free School, Three Rivers Free School, Shikshantar, Village Free School, Patchwork School, Agile Learning Center and many others!

Learn more about democratic free schools and other schools like ours by visiting:


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Traditional Subjects | Untraditional Pedagogy


At The Free School traditional academic subjects are taught in small classes with an emphasis on hands-on, experiential learning.  Students learn at their own pace without the pressures of grades, homework or standardized state tests.  We emphasize discovery, fostering a sense of curiosity and love for the process of learning.  Instead of following the common core our curriculum is co-created by students, teachers and parents.



True Community-Based Decision Making


Free School students share responsibility with teachers for resolving conflicts and school problems through our student-led council meeting system.  Through this process kids quickly become fluent with the ins and outs of real participatory democracy.  The meetings are run by Robert’s Rules of Order and afford the opportunity to explore matters in great depth if necessary. When the issue is an interpersonal conflict, the meeting becomes a supportive circle where real emotional healing takes place.


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Food Is Life, Make It Healthy & Fresh


Our kitchen is a fully functioning classroom where we prepare two hot meals every day.  Students help choose, plan and cook the meals. Through our backyard garden we connect students to the food they eat.  We also love visiting farms and engaging in discussions about nutrition, food justice, farming and sustainability. 

Do to covid 19 students will be required to provide thier own lunches and snacks. If your family is experiencing food insecurity we will support your learner(s) by providing your family with respectful and confidential support.

The Garden will continue to be a dynamic outdoor classroom!  



Teach The Children & Let Them Lead


The Free School is an integral part of a vibrant and diverse neighborhood in Albany’s historic South End.  We engage students in volunteering, local events, learning about different cultures and supporting important social justice efforts led by people in our community. 



No Child Left Inside


An important part of The Free School experience is getting outdoors into nature.  Children are born naturalists. They explore the world with all of their senses, experiment in the environment, and communicate their discoveries to those around them.  Not only do we regularly go on outings to local parks and go on hikes, but the school also owns a 200 acre tract of woods in Grafton, across the road from the Peace Pagoda, where kids learn wilderness skills and explore.

Another distinct feature of The Free School are the end of year class trips.  Every group of students goes on a big trip in the spring, with our Junior High class embarking on the most ambitious.  Our oldest group undertakes a major 7-10 day trip built around one or more community service projects. In recent years students have traveled to New Orleans to help with post-Katrina cleanup, and Puerto Rico to help clean beaches and learn about coral reef conservation.

The experience represents a rite of passage for them, not only because they have to cope with being far from home in unfamiliar surroundings for an extended period, but also because they have to figure out how to raise all of the funds and organize the trip themselves.



The Story of The Free School


Founded in 1969 by Mary Leue, the Albany Free School is the oldest inner-city independent alternative school in the United States. It all began when Mary’s ten-year-old son became so miserable in one of Albany’s better public schools that he asked his mother if she would teach him at home instead. Soon three of Mark’s also-suffering friends joined in and with that a little school was born. In June, Mary and her four students voted unanimously to continue the school for another year, with another vote establishing the name “The Free School.”


By the fall of 1973 the school was burgeoning with thirty kids, six full-time teachers, and a host of interns and volunteers. Students came from both inner city and uptown neighborhoods and from suburban and rural towns as well, and The Free School continued to steadily grow.

Just last year we celebrated our 45 year anniversary and our enrollment is stronger than ever.  We are so grateful for all the support our community of students, teachers, parents, alumni, neighbors, fellow democratic schools, local businesses and fans from the region and across the world!  It is not an exaggeration to say that without this support our doors would have been closed many years ago.

Rejecting the notion that students need to be bombarded bystandardized curricula and testing in order to learn, hundreds of students from The Free School have gone on to become graduates of four-year colleges, business owners, teachers, talented artists, filmmakers, musicians, leaders in their communities and successful in their chosen careers.

Throughout the 45 years that The Free School has been open it has attracted educators, college students, artists, activists, and so many others from all over the world to visit and learn all that the school has to offer. Some find it such an amazing community to be a part of that they stay for several years, becoming some of our strongest teachers.   Some stay to learn what they need so they can build their own school community elsewhere in the US and across the world.

The students who graduate from The Free School continue to be driven to explore the world around them and shape their education based on what they love. Because they spend their fundamental years in the Free School environment, they are aware of their own inner strength and have the tools to create the education they want with the resources around them.
